Mission, Vision & Core Values
Vision, Mission and Core Values
Vision: To become the foremost and prestigious College of Nursing and Midwifery in Africa through quality training, cutting-edge research and innovation.
Mission: To produce professional Nurses and Midwives equipped with critical,
analytical and evidence-based practice skills that will provide quality
healthcare services to individuals, families and communities at all levels of
Dynamism, Integrity, Selfless Service, Credibility, Innovation, Professionalism, Loyalty, Inquiry, Nobility, Efficiency
We belief that:
Man is a holistic being with needs according to his value system. He seeks
to satisfy these needs in order of priority, some needing constant
gratification while the fulfillment of others is modified or postponed
according to his perceptions.
Society: Comprises of individuals and families who share similar norms and value
(Homogeneous). The family is the basic unit in the society. Within a particular
geographical location, individuals interact with each other according to these
norms and values.
Individuals within the society create organizations and institution to
assists them in meeting their need. The level of functioning, progress and
achievement of the society is dependent on the health of its members.
Education: is an ongoing process through which individuals gain knowledge and experience which is essential for an immediate and future use. The education programme should be contributed to the continuing development of the student as an individual and to his/her understanding of life and loving.
Interest and motivation are necessary tools in the learning process;
therefore, educational programme should provide the opportunity for
self-directedness, creativity and research. The basic principles essential to
education and the practice of nursing must be adopted to meet the ever changing
needs of the society.
Student: is an individual who has achieved an acceptable academic standard in keeping with the requirements set by the nursing and midwifery council and has gained entry through a systematic process of selection as instituted by the school of nursing, shows evidence of the desire to pursue nursing and participate effectively and actively in the learning process in order to gain knowledge, skill and attitudes to practice nursing.
He is also encouraged to develop self socially, physically mentally, spiritually and professionally.
Environment: is one that facilitates the teaching/learning process and promote
professional growth and enhance nursing practice.
Nurse Educator: A Registered Nurse or Registered Midwife with post basic training in Nursing or Midwifery education in order to be abreast with the current trends in nursing education and practice. He is suitable role model for the students and colleagues. He/she actively participates in the preparation of prospective Nurse/Tutors and actively involved in his/her professional organization.
Nursing: is an art and science. It is a dynamic process whose main aim of
practice includes the promotion of health, prevention of illness carrying and
participating in inter professional caring process of the individual, family
and community.
Evaluation: is a dynamic process used to assess behavioral changes of the student
in order to attain a level of professional competence.
At the end of the Nursing and Midwifery Education Programmes, the graduands will be able to: -
Apply the basic knowledge
acquired during the training to ensure successful implementation of basic
nursing care to the clients.
Use the nursing process approach
to assess, diagnose, plan and implement nursing care to achieve the desired
Effect a positive working
relationship with other colleagues to ensure self-reliance to promote healthy
environment for individual, family and the community.
Collaborate with other health
workers and organizations to provide quality care that will improve the lives
of the society.
Utilize the capability to utilize
the acquired basic skills, ideas, beliefs and values towards positive action.
uses the knowledge and skills to
identify basic human needs and apply them in the appropriate care of the
Appreciate that the nursing
profession has recognition for the human life and provide training to personnel
to ensure proper care to improve the well-being of the society.
8. With the availability of primary health care in the domain of the community, will enable them to have access and afford health care within their socio-economic resources
apply relevant knowledge,
insightful way, especially to different situations from that in which the
knowledge was gained.
use his or her discretionary
knowledge for the greatest good and spontaneous attention to different
Nurses Anthem
Nurses Pledge
I solemnly pledge before God and in the presence of this assembly, to pass my life in purity and to practice my profession faithfully. I will abstain from whatsoever that is deleterious or mischievous and will not take or knowingly administer any harmful drug. I will do all in my power to maintain and elevate the standard of my profession and will hold in confidence all personal matters committed to keeping and all family affairs coming to my knowledge in the practice of my calling. With loyalty, I will endeavour to cooperate with other workers and professional organizations in this work and devote myself to the welfare of those committed to my care. May God help us, Amen.